There are several types of biopsy:

  1. Fine needle biopsy/aspiration (FNA) – mostly used for performing a biopsy of an axillary lymph node.  Occasionally cyst is aspirated and contents sent for analysis.

  2. Core biopsy – mostly used for diagnosis of any breast abnormalities that are detected on breast examination or breast imaging.  Ultrasound guided core biopsy is performed when the abnormality is seen on ultrasound.  Stereotactic biopsy is performed when the abnormality is seen only on mammogram.  At times MRI biopsy is performed if the abnormality is only seen on the MRI.

  3. Excision biopsy is surgically performed biopsy.  It is performed for lesions that may be associated with malignancy/cancer like atypical ductal hyperplasia, papilloma, radial scar, fibroadenoma with cellular atypia etc. 

Fine need biopsy and core biopsy are performed under local anaesthetic.  Excision biopsy is usually performed under general anaesthetic.
Complications following biopsy are minimal:

  • Bruising  is common and disappears with time

  • Wound infection is very rare

  • Scarring is minimal